20. Juni - 22. Juni 2025

Vechte Cup - European Football Cup Schüttorf

Be part of the European Football Cup in Schüttorf, win the title and experience unforgettable moments with the team!

bereits ab 71 € pro Person

1x free place for coach
per registered team
(valid until 31.12.2023)

This is what you can expect

Kommt nach Schüttorf und spielt um den European Football Cup!

Traditionell kommt der European Football Cup jährlich nach Schüttorf, 2025 findet er hier vom 20. Juni – 22. Juni statt. Holt Euch den Titel in Schüttorf unweit der niederländischen Grenze und lasst Euch von der tollen Atmosphäre auf der top gepflegten Sportanlage mitreißen. Beste Rahmenbedingungen werden Euch auf den zahlreichen Rasenspielfeldern geboten. Auch abseits der Spielfelder bieten wir Euch ein tolles Freizeitprogramm mit unseren BALLFREUNDE Spielstationen.

Countdown to the tournament

Opening ceremony with the laola wave at the international football tournament
Trophies for everyone at our World Cup tournaments

Über 100 Teams aus verschiedenen Ländern

Lasst euch von der großartigen internationalen Atmosphäre mitreißen!

Youth football tournament E-youth tournament in Germany with many duels
Stopwatch icon in all white

At least 6 matches with 24 minutes of playing time each

Each team is guaranteed at least 6 matches with 24 minutes playing time each & lots of fun.

Girls and Boys Football Icon in White Orange

Lots of playing fields & well-tended grass pitches

Play on a sports facility with excellent conditions & fight for the cup.

Excellent grass pitches at our Ballfreunde tournaments
Boy takes on the football at a Ball Friends tournament
Goal wall shooting with a football at a Ball Friends tournament
Football Tournament Cups Icon in Complete White

Award ceremony & trophies

Joint award ceremony as a team + trophy for each player

Youth Football Tournament, E-Youth, Team Circle
Trophies for everyone at our World Cup tournaments

Über 100 Teams aus verschiedenen Ländern

Lasst euch von der großartigen internationalen Atmosphäre mitreißen!

Stopwatch icon in all white

At least 6 matches with 24 minutes of playing time each

Each team is guaranteed at least 6 matches with 24 minutes playing time each & lots of fun.

Girls and Boys Football Icon in White Orange

Lots of playing fields & well-tended grass pitches

Play on a sports facility with excellent conditions & fight for the cup.

Football Tournament Cups Icon in Complete White

Award ceremony & trophies

Joint award ceremony as a team + trophy for each player

Logo Ballfriends in white

Age group overview

Age groupAge GroupNumber of playersStatus
U8 Funino 2016,2017,2018 etc. 3 vs. 3 only 6 available
U9 Funino 2015,2016,2017 etc. 5 vs. 5 only 6 available
U8/U9 boys 2015,2016,2017 etc. 7 only 6 available
U10 boys 2014,2015,2016 etc. 7 only 4 available
U11 boys 2013,2014,2015 etc. 7 only 6 available
U12 boys 2012,2013,2014 etc. 8+1 only 6 available
U13 boys 2011,2012,2013 etc. 8+1 only 4 available
U14/U15 boys 2009,2010,2011 etc. 10+1 booked out
Age groupAge GroupNumber of playersStatus
U8 Funino2017,2018,2019 etc.3 vs. 3only 6 available
U9 Funino2016,2017,2018 etc.5 vs. 5only 6 available
U8/U9 boys2016,2017,2018 etc.7more than 15 available
U10 boys2015,2016,2017 etc.7more than 8 available
U11 boys2014,2015,2016 etc.7more than 15 available
U12 boys2013,2014,2015 etc.8+1more than 8 available
U13 boys2012,2013,2014 etc.8+1more than 8 available
U14/U15 boys2010,2011,2012 etc.10+1only 6 available

Further information age groups

Logo Ballfriends in white

Tournament venue, sports facility &
skill&fun area

Fun & action off the pitch

There will be plenty to do off the pitch. Test your skills at our BALLFREUNDE game stations! While on the pitch you will have to perform as a team, we will also test your individual skills at our BALLFREUNDE game stations. How hard is your shot? How good is your aim? The shot speed machine, football darts, the goal wall, bubble football and more are waiting for you.

Tournament venue & sports facility

7 pitches & great leisure opportunities

Fußballfans aufgepasst! 2025 kommen die Ballfreunde wieder nach Schüttorf und verwandeln die Samtgemeinde in eine echte Fußballhochburg. Vertretet in diesem Jahr Euren Verein beim European Football Cup und spielt um den großen Titel. Auf insgesamt 7 hervorragenden Naturrasenplätzen bieten sich Euch perfekte Bedingungen für ein Fußballevent der Extraklasse. Mit jährlich mehr als 100 teilnehmenden Mannschaften ist der Vechte Cup eines der beliebtesten Turniere. Seid dabei und erlebt ein unvergessliches Wochenende!
Augsburg (9)
Augsburg (16)
Football tournaments on a sports facility with excellent pitches

Location Tournament Venue

Vechte Cup - European Football Cup Schüttorf

Tournament schedule

day 1
Freitag, 20. Juni 2025
from 16:00: Arrival
from 17:30: Dinner
from 19:30: Opening ceremony, opening matches
day 1
day 2
Samstag, 21. Juni 2025
from 7:00: Breakfast
from 9:00: Tournament matches & BALLFREUNDE-Skill'n Fun Area
from 17:30: Dinner
from 19:30: Free time
day 2
Day 3
Sonntag, 22. Juni 2025
from 7:00: Breakfast
from 9:00: Tournament matches & BALLFREUNDE-Skill'n Fun Area
from 14:30: Award ceremony & departure
Day 3
walking distance to the sports facility
sufficient sanitary facilities available
Limited electricity available
Breakfast at school
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
5 minutes drive
Mobility on site necessary:


sufficient sanitary facilities available
walking distance to the sports facility
Limited electricity available
Breakfast at school
Mobility on site necessary: no
Distance of the accommodation: 5 minutes drive
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
located near the sports complex
One separate classroom per group
Please bring your own sleeping bag and air mattress
Breakfast at the school
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
partly within walking distance
Mobility on site necessary:


One separate classroom per group
located near the sports complex
Please bring your own sleeping bag and air mattress
Breakfast at the school
Mobility on site necessary: no
Distance of the accommodation: partly within walking distance
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
Youth hostel/hostel
in Schüttorf and the surrounding area
beautiful multi-bed rooms in different sizes
breakfast at the accommodation
common hostel / youth hostel services on site
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
from 10 minutes drive
Mobility on site necessary:


Youth hostel/hostel
beautiful multi-bed rooms in different sizes
in Schüttorf and the surrounding area
breakfast at the accommodation
common hostel / youth hostel services on site
Mobility on site necessary: yes
Distance of the accommodation: from 10 minutes drive
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
in Schüttorf and the surrounding area
choice of single rooms, double rooms and multi-bed rooms
all hotels have a good standard
breakfast at the hotel
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
from 10 minutes drive
Mobility on site necessary:


only double and single rooms available
only double and single rooms available
choice of single rooms, double rooms and multi-bed rooms
in Schüttorf and the surrounding area
all hotels have a good standard
breakfast at the hotel
Mobility on site necessary: yes
Distance of the accommodation: from 10 minutes drive
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
Villa in the holiday resort Bad Bentheim
holiday homes with a high level of comfort
kitchen, dining and living area, bathroom with showers per house
indoor swimming pool can be used free of charge
breakfast at accommodation
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
10 minutes drive
Mobility on site necessary:


Villa in the holiday resort Bad Bentheim
kitchen, dining and living area, bathroom with showers per house
holiday homes with a high level of comfort
indoor swimming pool can be used free of charge
breakfast at accommodation
Mobility on site necessary: yes
Distance of the accommodation: 10 minutes drive
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
without board and lodging
Tournament participation only
for teams with a short journey
no board
Distance of the accommodation:
Mobility on site necessary:


booked out
booked out
without board and lodging
for teams with a short journey
Tournament participation only
no board
Mobility on site necessary:
Distance of the accommodation:
Catering: none
without board and lodging
Tournament participation only
no catering included
Accommodation on your own
Distance of the accommodation:
Mobility on site necessary:


without board and lodging
Tournament participation only
no catering included
Accommodation on your own
Mobility on site necessary:
Distance of the accommodation:
Catering: none
walking distance to the sports facility
sufficient sanitary facilities available
Limited electricity available
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
5 minutes drive
Mobility on site necessary:


walking distance to the sports facility
sufficient sanitary facilities available
Limited electricity available
Mobility on site necessary: no
Distance of the accommodation: 5 minutes drive
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
located near the sports complex
One separate classroom per group
Please bring your own sleeping bag and air mattress
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
partly within walking distance
Mobility on site necessary:


located near the sports complex
One separate classroom per group
Please bring your own sleeping bag and air mattress
Mobility on site necessary: no
Distance of the accommodation: partly within walking distance
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
Youth hostel/hostel
in Schüttorf and the surrounding area
beautiful multi-bed rooms in different sizes
breakfast at the accommodation
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
from 10 minutes drive
Mobility on site necessary:


Youth hostel/hostel
in Schüttorf and the surrounding area
beautiful multi-bed rooms in different sizes
breakfast at the accommodation
Mobility on site necessary: yes
Distance of the accommodation: from 10 minutes drive
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
in Schüttorf and the surrounding area
choice of single rooms, double rooms and multi-bed rooms
all hotels have a good standard
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
from 10 minutes drive
Mobility on site necessary:


in Schüttorf and the surrounding area
choice of single rooms, double rooms and multi-bed rooms
all hotels have a good standard
Mobility on site necessary: yes
Distance of the accommodation: from 10 minutes drive
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
Villa in the holiday resort Bad Bentheim
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
Mobility on site necessary:


Villa in the holiday resort Bad Bentheim
Mobility on site necessary:
Distance of the accommodation:
Catering: Half board or breakfast only

Mini World Cup Augsburg

Info catering

Info catering

Various catering options to choose from

Half board is (usually) already included in the tournament package. Breakfast and dinner are therefore provided. During the day, you can buy various food and beverages at the tournament venue at fair prices. So you don't have to worry about food at all.

It is always ensured that vegetarians, vegans or Muslims have appropriate options so that everyone gets their money's worth. You can inform us of any food intolerance when booking, so that we can respond to them.

In a nutshell:

Vechte Cup - European Football Cup Schüttorf

This is how the registration works

Vechte Cup and tournaments in the area

Evaluations from Trainers:inside


Vechte Cup - European Football Cup Schüttorf

Testimonials from other teams


That's what teams from past tournaments say

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
100 % of the money will be refunded in case of cancellation of the football tournaments
Name of the trainer
Name team
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
100 % of the money will be refunded in case of cancellation of the football tournaments
Name of the trainer
Name team
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
100 % of the money will be refunded in case of cancellation of the football tournaments
Name of the trainer
Name team

Goals 4 water

Neven Subotic Foundation

Score goals for a better & healthier life for others! That is the motto of GOALS 4 WATER. Together with the Neven Subotic Foundation, we are building drinking water wells in Ethiopia & you can help us give people a better future.

You can see how it works here:


Request more information now & reserve a non-binding starting spot

We will reserve a starting place for you for 3 weeks without obligation, so that you can discuss everything with the players and parents in peace. You can request information about the respective tournament via various channels. Give us a call, send us an email or simply write to us via WhatsApp. Alternatively, we can present the tournament to you and your fellow coaches in a video presentation.

Good to know

All the important details about your
unforgettable tournament experience

Is there a maximum number of players?

You can take as many players as you want. It would be a shame if some had to stay at home for such a tournament.

The prices do not include travel. We recommend that you also are mobile at the tournament, as we cannot offer a shuttle service from the accommodation to the tournament. If you don't have a car, we would be happy to make you an offer for traveling by bus or train.

We offer almost all accommodations with half board, so you will be well taken care of in the morning and in the evening. So that you are also taken care of at lunchtime, you will find various food trucks on site for a small snack in between.

If we still have free places, we would be very happy if you made our special tournament an end-of-season trip for the whole club. You can of course speak to your coaching colleagues and pass this information on to them.

Is there a fixed registration deadline for the individual tournaments?

There is no fixed registration deadline, but we recommend that you start planning as soon as possible, as many tournaments are booked out early. We are also happy to reserve a starting place for you for a desired period.

In order to offer you maximum flexibility, you can change your number of participants free of charge 10 weeks before the tournament - the number can therefore be adjusted again without any problems. In order to cover sickness-related absences, however, a private travel insurance is advisable.

Parents or siblings are welcome to come to the tournament with you. The tournament is even more fun with the right fan club. Of course we will also accommodate you all in the same accommodation, as you want to experience the tournament together.

further tournament series

Find out more about the individual tournament series now!

20. Juni – 22. Juni 2025

Vechte Cup - European Football Cup Schüttorf

Be part of the European Football Cup in Schüttorf, win the title and experience unforgettable moments with the team!

This is what you can expect

Kommt nach Schüttorf und spielt um den European Football Cup!

Countdown to the tournament



The 2023 tournament dates are already set, we will update the info in a few weeks, but you can already secure your starting place, just contact us!

Trophies for everyone at our World Cup tournaments

Über 100 Teams aus verschiedenen Ländern

Opening ceremony with the laola wave at the international football tournament
Youth football tournament E-youth tournament in Germany with many duels
Excellent grass pitches at our Ballfreunde tournaments
Stopwatch icon in all white

At least 6 matches with 24 minutes of playing time each

Boy takes on the football at a Ball Friends tournament
Girls and Boys Football Icon in White Orange

Lots of playing fields & well-tended grass pitches

Goal wall shooting with a football at a Ball Friends tournament
Logo Ballfriends in white

Age groups

Altersklasse: U8 Funino
Jahrgang: 2017,2018,2019 etc.
Game mode: 3 vs. 3
only 6 available
Altersklasse: U9 Funino
Vintage: 2016,2017,2018 etc.
Game mode: 5 vs. 5
only 6 available
Altersklasse: U8/U9 männlich
Vintage: 2016,2017,2018 etc.
Game mode: 6 + 1
more than 15 available
Altersklasse: U10 männlich
Vintage: 2015,2016,2017 etc.
Game mode: 6 + 1
more than 8 available
Altersklasse: U11 männlich
Vintage: 2014,2015,2016 etc.
Game mode: 6 + 1
more than 15 available
Altersklasse: U12 männlich
Vintage: 2013,2014,2015 etc.
Game mode: 8 + 1
more than 8 available
Altersklasse: U13 männlich
Vintage: 2012,2013,2014 etc.
Game mode: 8 + 1
more than 8 available
Altersklasse: U14/U15 männlich
Jahrgang: 2010,2011,2012 etc.
Game mode: 10 + 1
only 6 available

Age group U8 Funino
Age Group
2016,2017,2018 etc.

Game mode: 3 vs. 3
Status: only 6 available

Age group U9 Funino
Age Group
2015,2016,2017 etc.

Game mode: 5 vs. 5
Status: only 6 available

Age group U8 / U9 male
Age Group
2015,2016,2017 etc.

Game mode: 6 + 1
Status: only 6 available

Age group U10 male
Age Group
2014,2015,2016 etc.

Game mode: 6 + 1
Status: only 4 available

Age group U11 male
Age Group
2013,2014,2015 etc.

Game mode: 6 + 1
Status: only 6 available

Age group U12 male
Age Group
2012,2013,2014 etc.

Game mode: 8 + 1
Status: only 6 available

Age group U13 male
Age Group
2011,2012,2013 etc.

Game mode: 8 + 1
Status: only 4 available

Age group U14 / U15 male
Age Group
2009,2010,2011 etc.

Game mode: 10 + 1
Status: fully booked

Age groupAge GroupNumber of playersStatus
U8 Funino2017,2018,2019 etc.3 vs. 3only 6 available
U9 Funino2016,2017,2018 etc.5 vs. 5only 6 available
U8/U9 boys2016,2017,2018 etc.7more than 15 available
U10 boys2015,2016,2017 etc.7more than 8 available
U11 boys2014,2015,2016 etc.7more than 15 available
U12 boys2013,2014,2015 etc.8+1more than 8 available
U13 boys2012,2013,2014 etc.8+1more than 8 available
U14/U15 boys2010,2011,2012 etc.10+1only 6 available

How the Mini-EC works

Logo Ballfriends in white

Tournament Venue, Sports Facility & PLAY STATIONS

skill&fun area

Tournament venue & sports facility

7 pitches & great leisure opportunities

Location Tournament Venue

Logo Ballfriends in white

Tournament schedule

day 1
Freitag, 20. Juni 2025
from 16:00: Arrival
from 17:30: Dinner
from 19:30: Opening ceremony, opening matches
day 1
day 2
Samstag, 21. Juni 2025
from 7:00: Breakfast
from 9:00: Tournament matches & BALLFREUNDE-Skill'n Fun Area
from 17:30: Dinner
from 19:30: Free time
day 2
Day 3
Sonntag, 22. Juni 2025
from 7:00: Breakfast
from 9:00: Tournament matches & BALLFREUNDE-Skill'n Fun Area
from 14:30: Award ceremony & departure
Day 3

Teams recruit teams

Recruit other teams & receive 50€ per recruited team for your own registration!

Logo Ballfriends in white

Accommodation categories &

without board and lodging
Tournament participation only
no catering included
Accommodation on your own
Distance of the accommodation:
Mobility on site necessary:


without board and lodging
Tournament participation only
no catering included
Accommodation on your own
Mobility on site necessary:
Distance of the accommodation:
Catering: none
walking distance to the sports facility
sufficient sanitary facilities available
Limited electricity available
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
5 minutes drive
Mobility on site necessary:


walking distance to the sports facility
sufficient sanitary facilities available
Limited electricity available
Mobility on site necessary: no
Distance of the accommodation: 5 minutes drive
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
located near the sports complex
One separate classroom per group
Please bring your own sleeping bag and air mattress
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
partly within walking distance
Mobility on site necessary:


located near the sports complex
One separate classroom per group
Please bring your own sleeping bag and air mattress
Mobility on site necessary: no
Distance of the accommodation: partly within walking distance
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
Youth hostel/hostel
in Schüttorf and the surrounding area
beautiful multi-bed rooms in different sizes
breakfast at the accommodation
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
from 10 minutes drive
Mobility on site necessary:


Youth hostel/hostel
in Schüttorf and the surrounding area
beautiful multi-bed rooms in different sizes
breakfast at the accommodation
Mobility on site necessary: yes
Distance of the accommodation: from 10 minutes drive
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
in Schüttorf and the surrounding area
choice of single rooms, double rooms and multi-bed rooms
all hotels have a good standard
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
from 10 minutes drive
Mobility on site necessary:


in Schüttorf and the surrounding area
choice of single rooms, double rooms and multi-bed rooms
all hotels have a good standard
Mobility on site necessary: yes
Distance of the accommodation: from 10 minutes drive
Catering: Half board or breakfast only
Villa in the holiday resort Bad Bentheim
Half board or breakfast only
Distance of the accommodation:
Mobility on site necessary:


Villa in the holiday resort Bad Bentheim
Mobility on site necessary:
Distance of the accommodation:
Catering: Half board or breakfast only

Info catering

Various catering options to choose from

Parents' evening with BALLFREUNDE

We are here to help you with your parents' evening. Contact us now and let us know the date of your parents' evening.

Logo Ballfriends in white

That's what other teams say

100 % of the money will be refunded in case of cancellation of the football tournaments
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Name of the trainer
Name club
100 % of the money will be refunded in case of cancellation of the football tournaments
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Name of the trainer
Name club
100 % of the money will be refunded in case of cancellation of the football tournaments
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Name of the trainer
Name club

Vechte Cup and
Tournaments in the surroundings

Reviews from


That's how it works

Logo Ballfriends in white

Goals 4 water

Neven Subotic Foundation

Score goals for a better & healthier life for others! That is the motto of GOALS 4 WATER. Together with the Neven Subotic Foundation, we are building drinking water wells in Ethiopia & you can help us give people a better future.

You can see how it works here:

Good to know

Is there a maximum number of players?

You can take as many players as you want. It would be a shame if some had to stay at home for such a tournament.

The prices do not include travel. We recommend that you also are mobile at the tournament, as we cannot offer a shuttle service from the accommodation to the tournament. If you don't have a car, we would be happy to make you an offer for traveling by bus or train.

We offer almost all accommodations with half board, so you will be well taken care of in the morning and in the evening. So that you are also taken care of at lunchtime, you will find various food trucks on site for a small snack in between.

There is no fixed registration deadline, but we recommend that you start planning as soon as possible, as many tournaments are booked out early. We are also happy to reserve a starting place for you for a desired period.

If we still have free places, we would be very happy if you made our special tournament an end-of-season trip for the whole club. You can of course speak to your coaching colleagues and pass this information on to them.

In order to offer you maximum flexibility, you can change your number of participants free of charge 10 weeks before the tournament - the number can therefore be adjusted again without any problems. In order to cover sickness-related absences, however, a private travel insurance is advisable.

Parents or siblings are welcome to come to the tournament with you. The tournament is even more fun with the right fan club. Of course we will also accommodate you all in the same accommodation, as you want to experience the tournament together.

Contact us now!
Contact us via Whatsapp!
Scan the code
Hey 👋
Are you interested in one of our tournaments or just have a quick question?
Just write us straightforwardly in the chat!