Turniere 2025

Alle Jugendfußballturniere an Fronleichnam

Here you can find all further information about our youth tournaments over Corpus Christi - this year there is a tournament in Munich. Spend the end of your season at an international tournament over Corpus Christi and have an unforgettable time as a team with an extended weekend.

Turniere 2025

Das erwartet euch an Fronleichnam

Football Tournament Cups Icon in Complete White

Turniere über das Fronleicham-Wochenende

Football field icon in completely white transparent

Fronleichnam 2025: 19. Juni

Girls and Boys Football Icon in White Orange

Tournaments from U9

Youth Tournament Globe Icon Complete White

internationale Turniere mit Teams aus ganz Europa

Stopwatch icon in all white

viel Spielzeit für alle


Turniere an Fronleichnam

20. Juni - 23. Juni 2025


Munich Cup - European Football Cup München

U14/U15 boys, U10 boys, U11 boys, U12 boys, U13 boys, U8 Funino, U9 Funino, U9 boys

20. Juni - 23. Juni 2025

Munich Cup - European Football Cup München

U14/U15 boys, U10 boys, U11 boys, U12 boys, U13 boys, U8 Funino, U9 Funino, U9 boys

20. Juni - 23. Juni 2025


Munich Cup - European Football Cup München

U14/U15 boys, U10 boys, U11 boys, U12 boys, U13 boys, U8 Funino, U9 Funino, U9 boys

20. Juni - 23. Juni 2025

Munich Cup - European Football Cup München

U14/U15 boys, U10 boys, U11 boys, U12 boys, U13 boys, U8 Funino, U9 Funino, U9 boys

Weitere Turniere

Turniere nach Zeitraum

19. April 2025

Football tournaments
Ostern 2025

8. Juni 2025

Football tournaments
Pfingsten 2025

Mai – September

Turniere Sommer 2025

19. April 2025

Turniere Ostern 2025

8. Juni 2025

Pfingsten 2025

Mai - September

Turniere Sommer 2025

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