Jobs at Ballfreunde

We are looking forward to motivated, ambitious and football enthusiastic people to complete our team and develop the tournaments.

The BALLFREUNDE tournaments are the annual highlight for over 30,000 players, coaches and parents. In order to manage these events, we are constantly looking for motivated people who support us and make the international tournaments what they are: a special experience for young and old.
Below you will find our vacancies. If you don't find the job you're looking for, you are also welcome to contact us on your own initiative and offer to work with us.

Become part of our team!

The Ballfreunde team on the beach with banner

Would you like to know what goes on behind the scenes at one of our international tournaments to make an event of this size a complete success? Just find out for yourself! 

Wir suchen Dich als Turnierhelfer für unsere Turniersaison 2025. Welche Turniere wo stattfinden, findest Du hier:

This is what awaits you:

  • Exciting tournament days with many different tasks 
  • a look behind the scenes of a major event 
  • a motivated, young team 
  • Meals and overnight accommodation
  • pauschale Vergütung pro Turnier – ab 450,00 € aufwärts
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses

This is what you should bring with you:

  • Motivation for new tasks 
  • Resilience and flexibility 
  • Affinity for sport
  • Fun with teamwork 
  • Knowledge of English is an advantage as some international teams are also participating 

Just send us a short application so we can get to know you a little better. 

The application should include the following information:

  • Who you are and what you do 
  • At which tournaments you can support us
  • Your whereabouts before the tournaments and the info if you are mobile 

Please send your application by e-mail to:

Marvin Strube

We are the largest organiser of football and handball events in Germany.
In the coming years, we want to steadily expand our portfolio and continue to drive our growth.

That's why we are looking for you!

Your role:
You can expect a diverse range of tasks in the planning and implementation of our events.
Of course, you will receive constant support from us.

  • You support us in attracting participants for our events and take care of the communication.
  • You will support us with the planning in advance (logistics planning, personnel planning, planning of accommodation, communication with sports associations).
  • You support us in controlling and marketing measures.
  • You support us at the events on site (set-up, dismantling, implementation)

We offer you plenty of room for development, a friendly team and the opportunity to become a permanent employee after your training.

Requirements profile (Please read carefully!)
What you bring with you:

  • You are a team player, reliable and have organisational skills.
  • You are flexible and can also support us on several weekends during the tournament season.
  • You have good communication skills and speak German and English (at least C1 level).
  • If you already have experience in organising sports events, this is a plus, but not a prerequisite.
  • Working with a PC is not unfamiliar to you.
  • You have at least the school-leaving certificate Abitur.

Type of employment: Training (full-time)
Remuneration: above-average compensation
Period of employment: Ausbildungsbeginn ab  01.08.2024

Company and contact details:
Company name: Ballfreunde GmbH
Contact person: Mr Leif Rosenkranz
Location: 21465 Wentorf/ 20144 Hamburg Germany
Phone: 0157/35990403
E-mail: Leif Rosenkranz

We, the Ballfreunde - the largest sports tournament organiser in Germany - organise football and handball events all over Germany and are looking for energetic and competent support for our events. As an intern, we offer you the opportunity to support us at our events and get to know a wide range of tasks.

In the run-up to the events, you support us in the planning, conception and preparation.

Among other things, you will take care of the coordination of hotels and other accommodation, the organisation of the catering, the sporting course of the tournaments and the logistics.

During the events, you are on site and, together with our team, ensure that the event runs smoothly and in a representative manner.

Your requirements:

- Sports enthusiasm

- Organizational talent

- Driving licence (class B) required

- Willingness to work weekends (compensation during the week, of course) 

- Good foreign language skills (especially English, Dutch, Danish) are a big plus, but not a prerequisite. 

If you would like to join us and take on a wide range of tasks and responsibilities, please send us your application, stating the period of your choice:

Vanessa Schrandt

Remuneration: 800,- Euro per month

Start/End: flexible from 01.02.2024 or 01.04.2024

Duration: 3-6 months

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone: 01573 5990625

We are always looking for committed, loyal and reliable football and beach handball referees for our 40 or so tournaments a year.
Please send applications by e-mail to Daniel Pechau (

We are always looking for committed, loyal and reliable partners to enable even more teams in Germany to participate in tournaments. Please send applications by e-mail to Leif Rosenkranz (

We are always looking for committed, loyal and reliable partners to enable international teams to participate in tournaments. Please send applications by e-mail to Leif Rosenkranz (

Job Description
Wir, die BALLFREUNDE, sind der führende Veranstalter von Fußball- und Handballevents in Deutschland. In den kommenden Jahren streben wir an, unseren bisherigen Erfolg fortzusetzen und unser Portfolio an Turnieren und Events kontinuierlich zu erweitern. Dabei legen wir besonderen Wert darauf, die Qualität unserer Turniere stetig zu verbessern und unser Wachstum weiter voranzutreiben. Zusätzlich stehen einige neue und spannende Projekte an, für die wir eine engagierte Führungspersönlichkeit suchen.

In this course we are looking for you!

Your role:

Dich erwartet ein vielfältiges Aufgabenfeld und Du wirst unser Team in verschiedenen Bereichen unterstützen, die bei der Planung und Durchführung unserer Veranstaltungen anfallen.

Es besteht die Möglichkeit, neue Projekte innerhalb der Ballfreunde-Familie eigenständig zu übernehmen, zu leiten und erfolgreich voranzubringen.

You support us in the planning of our events (including marketing, logistics planning, personnel planning, planning of accommodation, communication with sports associations).

You support us in attracting participants for our events and take care of the communication with them.

You will be on site at our events and lead your own teams or your own events.
Wir bieten Dir viel Spielraum zur Entwicklung und die Möglichkeit, Verantwortung zu übernehmen und unsere Geschäftsfelder und Veranstaltungsreihen aktiv mitzugestalten.

Das bringst du mit:

– Teamfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit: Du arbeitest gerne im Team und bist eine zuverlässige Persönlichkeit.
– Organisationstalent: Du besitzt ausgeprägte organisatorische Fähigkeiten.
– Flexibilität: Du bist flexibel und bereit, in Ausnahmefällen auch am Wochenende zu arbeiten.
– Kommunikationsstärke: Du bist kommunikationsstark und kannst Dich klar und effektiv ausdrücken.
– Erfahrungen: Wenn Du bereits Erfahrungen in der Organisation von Sportveranstaltungen oder Events hast, ist das von Vorteil, aber keine Voraussetzung.

We offer:

  • Ein junges und dynamisches Team an unseren Standorten in Hamburg (Schlump) und Wentorf.
  • Homeoffice-Regelung für eine flexible Arbeitsgestaltung.
  • Frei einteilbaren Urlaub und die Möglichkeit, halbe Tage zu nehmen.
  • Betriebssport zur Förderung der Gesundheit und des Teamgeistes.
  • Regelmäßige Teamevents zur Stärkung des Zusammenhalts.

Type of employment: Festanstellung – unbefristet

Company and contact details:

Company name: Ballfreunde GmbH
Contact person: Mr Leif Rosenkranz
Location: 21465 Wentorf/ 20144 Hamburg Germany
Phone: 0157/35990403

You can find further information at:

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung: ab 01.09.2024

Job Description

We, the BALLFREUNDE, are the largest organiser of football and handball events in Germany. In the coming years, we want to build on the past years and steadily expand our portfolio of tournaments and events and continue our growth. 

In this course we are looking for you! 

Your role:

You can expect a diverse range of tasks in the mediation of our events and generally in the operational business. You have many opportunities for development and your own personal area of responsibility in which you can implement your own creative and innovative ideas.

  • You support us in attracting participants for our events and take care of the communication.
  • You support us in controlling and targeted marketing measures
  • You will actively support us at events on site and will also take responsibility for your own events (set-up, dismantling, implementation).

We offer you plenty of scope for personal development, a friendly team and the opportunity to top up your basic salary with commission.

The requirements profile

  • Your strengths lie in sales and in advising via telephone, e-mail and chat
  • You are always motivated and you like to move projects forward
  • In your role, you make consultative, informative & persuasive sales calls
  • You are passionate about football, handball and sports in general
  • Knowledge regarding the organisation of tournaments is desirable but not a must-have
  • Your IT skills are good (ideally Google Sheets, Docs)
  • Your communication skills and social competence are what make you stand out; you always strike the right note (from relaxed to smart and serious-professional).
  • You have a pronounced service and quality awareness
  • You have the ability to inspire and advise customers for tournaments
  • You enjoy dealing with customers
  • You are a team player, reliable and have organisational skills
  • You have good communication skills and may also speak one (more) foreign language(s), but at least English - Dutch/Danish would be a big plus.

We offer: 

  • a young and dynamic team at our locations in Hamburg and Wentorf near Hamburg - however, you do not necessarily have to live in the Hamburg area!
  • Home office regulation
  • 36 h week outside our tournament time
  • Compensation days for weekend assignments
  • Bonus payments
  • Commission regulation
  • Holiday periods can also be taken consecutively over several weeks
  • Company sport
  • Team events

Type of employment: Full-time - Permanent

Remuneration: above-average remuneration

Company and contact details:

Company name:          Ballfreunde GmbH
Contact person:   Mr Leif Rosenkranz
Place of action:         21465 Wentorf/ 20144 Hamburg Germany
Phone:          0157/35990403

You can find further information at:

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung: ab 01.09.2024

Job Description
Wir, die BALLFREUNDE, sind der größte Ausrichter von Fussball,- und Handballevents in Deutschland. In den kommenden Jahren wollen wir an die letzten Jahre anknüpfen und unser Portfolio an Turnieren und Events stetig erweitern, die Qualität unserer Turniere beständig verbessern und unser Wachstum weiter vorantreiben.
In this course we are looking for you!

Your role:

In Deinem dualen Studium erwartet Dich eine spannende Kombination aus Theorie und Praxis. Du wirst aktiv in das Tagesgeschäft eingebunden und erhältst umfassende Einblicke in verschiedene Bereiche des Sportmanagements. Dabei bieten wir Dir die Möglichkeit, Deine Fähigkeiten weiterzuentwickeln und eigene Ideen einzubringen.

  • Veranstaltungsorganisation: Du unterstützt uns bei der Planung und Durchführung von Sportevents, von der ersten Idee bis zur Nachbereitung.
  • Teilnehmerbetreuung: Du bist in Kontakt mit unseren Teilnehmern, betreust sie und kümmerst Dich um ihre Anliegen.
  • Marketing und Kommunikation: Du entwickelst zielgerichtete Marketingstrategien und setzt diese um, um unsere Events optimal zu präsentieren.
  • Controlling: Du erhältst Einblicke in die finanzielle Planung und Kontrolle unserer Projekte.
  • Eventmanagement: Vor Ort übernimmst Du Verantwortung für den reibungslosen Ablauf der Veranstaltungen.

Wir bieten Dir viel Spielraum zur persönlichen Entwicklung, ein sympathisches Team und die Möglichkeit, Dein Basisgehalt mit Provisionen bedeutend aufzustocken.

The requirements profile

  • Du hast die (Fach-)Hochschulreife mit guten bis sehr guten Leistungen abgeschlossen.
  • Du begeisterst Dich für Sport und bringst idealerweise erste praktische Erfahrungen in diesem Bereich mit.
  • Du bist kommunikativ und hast Freude am Umgang mit Menschen.
  • Du arbeitest eigenverantwortlich und zeigst ein hohes Maß an Engagement und Motivation.
  • Du hast gute Kenntnisse im Umgang mit MS Office (insbesondere Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • Du bist flexibel und bereit, auch am Wochenende zu arbeiten.
    Teamfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit zeichnen Dich aus.
  • Du verfügst über gute Englischkenntnisse; weitere Sprachkenntnisse sind von Vorteil.

We offer:

  • Eine spannende und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem dynamischen Team
  • Praxisnahe Ausbildung und enge Zusammenarbeit mit erfahrenen Kolleginnen und Kollegen
  • Möglichkeiten zur persönlichen und beruflichen Weiterentwicklung
  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten und Homeoffice-Regelungen
  • Teilnahme an internen Schulungen und Weiterbildungen
  • Teamevents und Betriebssportangebote
  • Eine attraktive Vergütung und zusätzliche Benefits

Art der Beschäftigung: Duales Studium
Vergütung: überdurchschnittlich im Vergleich der Branche

Company and contact details:

Company name: Ballfreunde GmbH
Contact person: Mr Leif Rosenkranz
Location: 21465 Wentorf/ 20144 Hamburg Germany
Phone: 0157/35990403

You can find further information at:

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung: ab 01.09.2024

Wenn Du bereit bist, Deine Leidenschaft für Sport und Organisation in einem dynamischen und erfolgreichen Unternehmen einzubringen, freuen wir uns auf Deine Bewerbung!

Job Description
For a larger project in the field of sporting events, we are looking for support (students are welcome) to help us with research and data collection over the next few months - and possibly beyond.  

The job is not always incredibly exciting, but you can arrange your working hours completely freely and work from anywhere, all you need is a computer with an internet connection. 
Special previous knowledge is not necessary. There is no fixed number of hours, but you should be able to work at least 10 hours a week on average, but you are also welcome to work significantly more. 
At the beginning, a short briefing would take place via video chat, in which you would be taught all the important basics to be able to start with the activity.
If you are interested in supporting us in our research activities, please send an email directly to Vanessa Schrandt ( with a CV and a short description about yourself.

Requirements profile
* You have a trade licence or can get one
* Reliability
* Conscientious and careful work
Contact person: Vanessa Schrandt

Type of employment: Honorary basis

Further information
Period of employment: as of now
Remuneration: 13€/hour

We are the largest organiser of football and handball events in Germany.
In the coming years, we want to steadily expand our portfolio and continue to drive our growth.

That's why we are looking for you!

Your role:
You can expect a diverse range of tasks in the planning and implementation of our events.
Of course, you will receive constant support from us.

  • You can expect a diverse range of tasks and you will support our team in various areas in the planning and implementation of our events.
  • You support us in the planning of our events (including marketing, logistics planning, personnel planning, planning of accommodation, communication with sports associations).
  • You support us in attracting participants for our events and take care of the communication with them.
  • You will be on site at our events and lead your own teams or your own events.

We offer you plenty of room for development, a friendly team and the opportunity to become a permanent employee after graduation.

Requirements profile (Please read carefully!)
What you bring with you:

  • You are a team player, reliable and have organisational skills.
  • You are enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme
  • You are flexible and can work weekends in exceptional cases.
  • You are a strong communicator and speak either Danish or Dutch fluently
  • If you already have experience in organising sports events, this is a plus, but not a prerequisite.

That's what we offer you:

  • a young and dynamic team at our locations in Hamburg (Schlump) and Wentorf
  • 100% Home office regulation possible
  • Company sport
  • Team events

Type of employment: by arrangement
Period of employment: Start of employment immediately or by arrangement

Company and contact details:

Company name:          Ballfreunde GmbH
Contact person:   Mr Leif Rosenkranz
Place of action:         21465 Wentorf/ 20144 Hamburg Germany
Phone:          0157/35990403

Contact person for all applications:

Leif Rosenkranz
0157 35990403

Icon Person in White

Contact person for all applications:

Leif Rosenkranz
0157 35990403

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